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André Torgal

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  • Design Contexts in Design Systems: The Missing Conversation

    Abstract illustration of web-design containers, surfaces, and layouts overlayed on grid paper, in tones of blue, red, and gray

    Some call it Surfaces, others Containers. It surfaces here and there as Elevation (pun intended) or under other peculiar, unfortunate names. Placement within a layout, hierarchy and purpose of the containing section, and current background colour are all examples of design contexts that lack a common name to go by. This article explores why this concept remains underdeveloped and suggests a few paths forward.

  • What happened to contextual styling?

    An illustration of the evolution of web buttons across the ages displaying a grid of wireframe-ish buttons merged against a colorful abstract backdrop

    In the early 2000s, list items and links were simple <li> and <a>. Not all mighty components as they are today. Still, it felt like there was nothing you couldn’t do with CSS. Alas, somewhere along the way, things got complicated. These days everything feels slower and somewhat stiffer. How did we get this far from the simplicity of CSS? I try to answer as best as I can.

  • Building a backlog from a messy prototype

    A screenshot of a markdown TODO file side by side with a screenshot of a backlog.

    Building a backlog from a messy prototype can be challenging, but it’s essential to change gears and depart from the prototyping mindset. Here are some strategies to deal with cognitive overload and to quickly start breaking down the chaos into meaningful, actionable, and purposeful tasks.

  • Writing is hard

    Some days writing feels like climbing a muddy mountain. It takes way too much time and effort :sweat: to create something I’m even remotely satisfied with.

    Can I somehow break this cycle and find a sustainable pace without these year-long interruptions? Or do I actually need another break?

  • The toughest winter and some steadfast decisions

    Photo of a park in Barcelona at sunset. There is a shallow green lake on the foreground a series of towers that look like lighthouses, a modern building in the background

    As an aftershock of the lockdown and deconfinement agony, I started having anxiety attacks every now and then.

    This is the story of my descent into a paralysing fear of being anxious. :scream: And how I picked up a racket and a pair of drum sticks to replace cigarettes and procrastination with sweating, friends, and commitments. :muscle:

  • Shokz OpenRun: game changing bone conductive headphones

    Photo of Shokz OpenRun headphones. The sound conductive parts are at both ends of the flexible structure.

    This post is the first of a kind. I don’t remember ever publishing a product endorsement before. But the Shokz OpenRun headphones solved a few problems for me. And at the same time surprised me beyond any expectations. If you are struggling with tinnitus, itching, or skin shedding, I recommend you try these game changing headphones.

  • Talking about design systems with strangers

    Promotional flier for Master Class on Design Systems event with Nevan Scott and André Torgal with pictures of both the speakers invites to come learn form the experts and ask for questions

    Last week I had the privilege of sharing a virtual stage with my good friend Nevan Scott to talk about design systems and Button School’s new Design Systems Short Course. Great turn up! :star-struck: And great to see so many people excited about this topic, asking interesting questions, sharing their experience, and eager to get busy designing and building. :open_hands:

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