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André Torgal

Blog archive page 3

  • Design systems are design culture

    Photo of Lauren LoPrete on stage during Schema 2022, in front of a slide that reads 'Design Systems are culture change disguised as a UI kit'

    In this brilliant talk, Lauren LoPrete (Senior Product Design Manager at Dropbox) shares experience and provides useful tips on how to increase the system’s sphere of influence and buy-in from stakeholders.

    Bonus: :moneybag: a priceless insight on why rolling out a design system can be challenging.

  • Formula 1 is insane, we just wanted to confirm

    Photo of a temporary car park near Paul Ricard circuit

    They said it couldn’t be done, but we drove to France to take a look. In the end, F1 is not that great experience to see live. Unless you are interested in the beautiful decay of civilisation :smirk: because all of this is obviously not sustainable.

  • Sounds of Silences

    The Concert in Central Park - Album Cover

    I was like 11 when I first heard this album. It took me not long to memorize the lyrics, the jokes, the sound of everything in the intervals of the songs. This might be the origin story of my fixation with music, especially popular music, played live in front of an audience.

  • Twenty Twenty One

    Photo of a guitar pedal board with 10 pedals

    I have a bunch of “songs” :guitar: recorded at home, here in Barcelona, that I was hoping I could record better in the studio. But thats not happening soon because our world leaders suck, so I am just going to leave them here.

  • Massive Attack - Eutopia EP

    Photo of a quote from Thomas More's Utopia: No living creature is naturally greedy except from fear of want or in the case of human beings from vanity

    Black Lives Matter. Save The Planet. End Inequality. :fist: 2020 SUCKS. Massive Attack just released a 3 song EP and it contains more insights on the sad state of our world than everything else you saw today. I am writing this on the day it was released, trying to process it and taking some notes.

  • Getz/Gilberto Vol. 2, Live from Carnegie Hall

    Picture of Getz/Gilberto vol. 2' album Cover featuring a green, yellow and black abstract painting

    This is one of my favourite live recordings of all time. I got the extended version for cheap bucks at a record store. And later, compared to other friends’ copies, realised that this is the only version that really matters here, because the original release, which contains only separate performances from Getz and Gilberto, is missing the most important part.

  • Getz/Gilberto

    Getz/Gilberto - Album Cover,_Gilberto_Vol._2_album_cover.jpg

    This album is an incredible historical document, as much as it is a layer cake of precious stories, that I have been discovering since it entered my life in the late 90s in CD format.

  • An impossible album

    Picture of Figure 8's Album cover: Elliot Smith standing in front of a wall painted with red and black wavy lines

    How can something made in such a dark place be so inspiring? How can someone so depressed find the time, the energy and the resolve, to complete this laborious, delicate, beautiful piece of art? And, rhetorically we might also ask: how can someone so talented die so young? :scream: What is being young?

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