6 posts under #mdx
Improving (MDX) authoring experience in Astro / Solutions
Astro built-ins and plugins are not sufficient to deliver all the features or details that I want t…
MDX authoring experience in Astro / Shortcomings
Since I am migrating this site to Astro - which I am convinced is the best SSG out there right now …
Advanced MDX authoring experience / Requirements
Once I got my new website's information architecture up and running, and migrated most of the old c…
(re)Building my website with Astro + MDX + Preact
Relaunching my website, again based on another Typescript SSG framework. 🚀 Not React-Static anymore, not even React "at all". Introducing the magnificent Astro. 🌔
Unified.js is going to be around for a long time
This library is now powering ESLint, prettier, this website, ... and pretty much anything using MD(…
Saying goodbye to my React Static website
I am relaunching my website with Astro. Writing down a word or two about the previous version, React Static, and the original "MDX" experience.
1 meta doc under #mdx
Content: Markdown with Unified.js + Remark + Rehype
I have been using Markdown to store my websites content for a while. Actually, I have been using forever to organise my life, especially work. Can I keep using it now with React Static?