4 posts under #astro
Improving (MDX) authoring experience in Astro / Solutions
Astro built-ins and plugins are not sufficient to deliver all the features or details that I want t…
MDX authoring experience in Astro / Shortcomings
Since I am migrating this site to Astro - which I am convinced is the best SSG out there right now …
Advanced MDX authoring experience / Requirements
Once I got my new website's information architecture up and running, and migrated most of the old c…
(re)Building my website with Astro + MDX + Preact
Relaunching my website, again based on another Typescript SSG framework. 🚀 Not React-Static anymore, not even React "at all". Introducing the magnificent Astro. 🌔
3 meta docs under #astro
Styling: css
I am rebuilding my site with Astro. Should I use any CSS pre-processing? Or are we good with just CSS in 2023?
Handcrafted RSS
It's been ages since I've had a feed here.
Now I do RSS.
Re-build with Astro
I was searching for a replacement for React Static and Astro just landed from the sky.