Browser Support: progressive
Which browsers should this website be worried about? I’ll always favor progressive approaches, or even all in the future is now. But I am also concerned with who is left out.
Status ⌛ some work to do
I’d love to research about devices, geography, inclusion. But I love procrastinating even more.
Also, PostCSS is not reading browserslist
and 😬 couldn’t find any documentation for using “browserslist” in Astro
Attempted the solution described in the attached issue. 🐰 🕳️ Nothing prefixed, and warnings polluting the console 😟
[esbuild-plugin-browserslist] Skipping unknown target: entry=and_qq 13.1, browser=and_qq, version=13.1
This was previously adopted in 2019 for the previous version of this website.
- using browserslist + post-css-preset-env
- write only good, standards code
- don’t bother with polyfills and fallbacks
// package.json > browserslist
["cover 95%", "not dead"]
// package.json > browserslist
["last 2 years", "> 1%", "not ie 11", "not ie_mob 11", "not op_mini all"]
just auto-prefixing
not explicitly supporting any browser that
- pollutes CSS with fallbacks
- requires contorts the CSS
- harms the developer experience
coverage down to 89%
very minimal CSS available for IE 11 and Opera Mini
- CSS is using custom properties very liberally
- current technique requires that fallback is always provided to the rule
- not up for that