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André Torgal

Hello World :wave:

My first website was hosted on tripod, back in 1995 and for the next 13 years I had a constant, tireless, and experimental presence on the web. But In 2008 I took my last site down. For a whole decade, was nothing but a placeholder or a 404. It’s time to change this sad state of affairs.

I am working on a few thoughts about why I am coming back to my own space on the Internet.

First things first: I always had the choice to keep going.

I’ve been writing about this in train of thought mode for a couple of days, asking a lot of whys and trying to reconstruct the narrative.

So… why I did I go for 8 years on social media without a site of my own?

Reflection yields insight, I found quite a few whys out of the writing exercise:

  • because I went down the rabbit hole, got addicted to social media and lazy
  • because I lost hope in the Internet of people and communities
  • because I failed to keep a conversation going on my blogs
  • because I lost focus and commitment
  • because I got frustrated and disenchanted
  • because I thought social networks would reward content creators
  • because I thought more friends online would result in more sites and blogs
  • because I thought everyone was going to be creating
  • because some times I think everyone is like me :-)

Each one of these could very well be a post on its own.

Finally, how is it going to be, going forward?

Reclaiming my web

This infinite space is still up here to take.

Be the change you want to see in the world.

Every journey begins with the first step.

Yada, yada :-)

Step 1

Back online under my own rules on my own domain.

Step 2

Nops, don’t really have a step 2, or a plan.

I’ll continue this by reading, reflecting, reaching out to friends and strangers.

Let’s move on, let’s stay in touch.

This post was published on and and last updated on

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